Setting the SSA Primary Field

 When I started configuring Siebel, I was mostly self-taught, which means that I usually settled for the first way I found of accomplishing my goal. Setting the primary record on a multi-value group through script is one example.

My method: query for the record I needed in the child buscomp, obtain the row id, and then use that row id to update the primary id field of the parent. For example, if I needed to set the primary position on the Account buscomp, I would begin by looking up the position id, then I would use a SetFieldValue statement to set the Primary Position Id with the id I had retrieved.

Wrong approach! That is the dangerous way. A scripting error will potentially corrupt your database in the same way direct sql could, by breaking its referential integrity. Directly setting a primary id field is not supported by Oracle.

The feature I didn't understand, which makes the process much easier and safer, is a system field called SSA Primary. You may have noticed this field in MVG Applet configurations. It's a system field, much like Created or Id, but it is different in two important ways:
  1. The SSA Primary field does not correspond directly to a database column.
  2. The SSA Primary field is editable.
Like other system fields, it is not listed in the Fields object in Tools, and you don't have to explicitly activate it in scripting.

Using the SSA Primary field, here is the correct way to use script to set the primary on an MVG, as recommended by Oracle:
  1. Get the MVG business component using the BusComp.GetMVGBusComp method.
  2. Use BusComp.SetSearchSpec and BusComp.ExecuteQuery methods to locate the correct record on the MVG business component.
  3. Set the SSA Primary field with the statement BusComp.SetFieldValue("SSA Primary Field", "Y"), substituting the actual business component variable name.
  4. Use BusComp.WriteRecord on the parent business component. This is because the Primary Id field is on the parent.
Some versions of Siebel Tools will give a semantic warning when you check the syntax after you try to set the SSA Primary field. This is a Siebel bug, and this warning can be safely ignored.

Update - Fixed a typo caught by commenter Duarte: Above instructions previously contained BusComp.SetFieldValue("SSA Primary", "Y") instead of BusComp.SetFieldValue("SSA Primary Field", "Y"). Thanks Duarte!


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