Siebel Admin Interview Question

1.    What steps you will follow to troubleshoot the Server Busy Error?

To resolve this error we can proceed with below .

As it is server busy error means request has been routed from web server and AOM server is not able to respond in proper manner. Before proceeding to any more steps we need to check status of all three servers that server is up and running fine. if all three is running fine so we need to check about the connectivity between gateway, Database & AOM server.

if we are having connectivity or server related issue then we can resolve it first else go for reading information from logs.

2.    How will you increase the log level for Siebel Gateway?

To generate Detailed log for siebel gateway

Under Windows Platform – change the value of the environment variable – SIEBEL_LOG_EVENTS to 4 or 5 to get the detailed logs.

 The same holds true for Unix Platform. Once the change in the environment variable has taken effect – you can see detailed or extended logs getting written in the nameserver log file.

3.    How can you increase log levels for a particular type of event say ALL SQL Events for a particular Siebel component?

login to application

Go to Site Map>> Server Configuration >> Server >> Component>> Events>> Query SQL>> Select all>> Edit Menu>> Change records and update it to desired value.

4.    What is the purpose of File System Manager Component in Siebel?

File Server Manager Alias FSMSrvr component is responsible for managing request to access siebfs directory. Whenever any component requires to read or write any file in siebfs directory, it invokes FSMSrvr and that request is managed by File Server Manager component in siebel.

5.    What if File System Manager Component on a server goes down?

If FSMSrvr went down on a particular siebel server then any upload or download request to access shared directory is not possible using that server. 

6.    If you increased log levels for a particular component to all 4 and still the detailed logs are not getting written – what will you   do?

if we have increased log level to 4 and still not able to get detailed log in that case we go for log level 5 but make sure that particular component is accessible and available to handle our request. If component is running fine and we are sending request then logs must be generated. So need to check status of component and we are able to access that component or in other words able to send request to that component.

7.    Suppose you have done srf replacement and repository migration from dev to test environment and a message which was getting displayed on button click in dev environment is not getting displayed in test environment – what can be the cause of the issue?

in most of cases we have missed ddlsync step after doing repository export import. As DDLSync is used to apply physical level changes to database.

8.    How will you check or identify if the SRF file is corrupt or not?

we can identify using ckecksum values from other servers if we are having several servers in our enterprise and only one is got corrupt. Other than this we can directly check using thin client and take this srf as target srf. if we are able to access application then it's fine else we are having issue with SRF.

9.    What are the steps involved in Repository Migration?

In Source environment run repimpexp utility in export mode.

repimexp /A E

/U <userName>


Siebel administrator user name.

/P <password>


Siebel password.

/C <ODBC data source>


ODBC data source. The default is the value in the SIEBEL_DATA_SOURCE environment variable.

/D <table owner>


Siebel database table owner. The default is the value in the SIEBEL_TABLE_OWNER environment variable.

/G <language code>


Exports a repository with a specified language or specify ALL to export all languages in the Siebel repository.

/R <repository>


Repository name. The default is Siebel Repository.

/F <dataFile>


Data file, including path, to which to export.

/T <Y|N>


Test only, do not export into database.

/V <Y|N>


Verify data. The default is N.

/N <0|1|2>


Change creation and update information:

0= no change

In target environment run again utility with import switch.

10.   After generating the browser script is there a way by which we can update the same at webserver without restarting the webserver?

I had read something  regarding the same , still i am not able to test and make sure that it will work fine or not  .

Alternatively you can use UpdateWebImages!

UpdateWebImages! Interesting, I will explain step by step below.

Type the below URL in the browser and hit the enter key. That’s it.


Host = The name of the Web server machine.

Port = The Web server listen port (not required if using the default port, 80).

Application = Any Siebel application hosted by this Web server (such as callcenter_enu, sales_enu, and so on).

WebUpdateProtectionKey = The unencrypted version of the Web Update Protection Key, which is defined in the eapps.cfg file by the WebUpdatePassword parameter.

11.    What is SCBroker?

Siebel Connection Broker  alias SCBoker provides intra server load balancing. Siebel Connection Broker accepts request from SWSE and makes a session with AOM  through SISNAPI protocol. Once this connection is built, then SWSE sent all further request to AOM directly. Load balancing method -  if it is “LL” then it will pass request to least loaded server and if it is defined as “RR” then it route to another server each one in round robin fashion.

12.    What is SRBroker? What kind of request processing is it used in – synchronous or asynchronous?

SIebel Request Broker alias SRBroker is a major component which  processes Synchronous server requests(Request that needs to run immediately in which process wait for completion) from Siebel Server. If the Siebel Server requires a component for request (to complete) is not available on same machine it can route the request to other machines too.

13.    What is SRPRoc? What is the significance of it?

Server Request Processor alias SRProc  processes Asynchronous server requests(Request that are submitted for later execution) When these request come, they are stored in S_SRM_REQUEST table. SRProc checks this table time to time. If request is eligible then then SRProc invokes SRBroker to work on this request.

14.    What is the use of Monitoring Agents in Siebel?

Workflow monitor agent are responsible to process requests from S_ESCl_REQ table which are created by workflow policy groups. These are asynchronous requests and later submitted to workflow process manager alias WfProcmgr for processing.

15.    How are asynchronous requests processed in Siebel?

Asynchronous record are first stored in S_SRM_REQ table by SRProc and later it will be submitted to SRProc depending upon availability .

16.    What is the difference between Siebel SIA and Siebel SEA?

17.    What are the steps involved in Local Database Extract?

To perform a local database extract you need to follow the steps given below.

1. Go to  Site Map » Administration » Server Management » Jobs.

2. Click New button

3. In the Component field, select Database Extract from the picklist.

4. In the Requested Server field, enter the name of the server on which to run the Database Extract job

5. In the Job Parameters list, which is located below the Jobs list and the Job Detail form, click New and add the required parameter for Database Extract which is Client Name

The value for the Client Name parameter is the user id of the Mobile Web Client for which you want to extract database.

For example if you want to extract database for user: TestUser then you would supply the Client Name parameter with the following value

Client Name: TestUser

There are other parameters also that you can provide in addition to the above parameter

In the Jobs list, with the Database Extract record still selected, click Start.

And you are done :)!!!!!!!

18.    What if I make – Extract All Repository = False while doing Local Database Extract?

It will extract only standard repository items not the custom one

19.    Can I run GenNewDB job once and use the result of the same – multiple times? If yes – how many times? If NO – why?

Yes, we can run multiple times until there a schema level change happened to database.

20.    What is diccache.dat file in Siebel? What is the significance of it?

Diccache.dat is a cache file used by Siebel server programs to enhance performance when loading the Siebel Repository. Diccache.dat contains a subset of the repository (called the "dictionary") needed by the server programs. This subset includes information about tables, columns, indexes and docking objects.


Diccache.dat, located in the SIEBSRVR_HOME\bin directory, is accessed whenever a server program is started. The file is automatically recreated if the file does not exist or if it is out of date (The version number of the schema and repository is stored in the header of the file).


Dicdata.dat is a copy of diccache.dat file that is downloaded to mobile clients and used by the synchronization process whenever transactions are applied to the local database. It is the same as the diccache.dat file, but it is named differently for mobile clients. The Generate New Database component copies the diccache.dat to the dbtempl\\dicdata.dat file. When a mobile client synchronizes, the dicdata.dat is copied to the siebel_client_root\\dicdata.dat on the client machine.        

21.    What is OSDF file in Siebel? Is it present for a Siebel environment running on windows platform?

Operating system dependent layer (common/osd) Facility 

This is a binary file that contains boot-up information and gets written to after a core dump. The (reset_server) command synchs up this data file using Cleansync. We suggest to run reset_server first before deleting the osdf files as it may remove the file

22.    What is shm file and what is the significance of it?

The .shm file extension is used during the start up of the Siebel Server System Service. The .shm file extension is referred to as a shared memory file, which is by default in the subdirectory of the Administration of the directory designated for the Siebel Server root run in Windows, while on UNIX it is referred to as the Sys subdirectory. Shared memory is used for ordinary structures which are used by many users, and it basically stores the business objects definition, business component definition, controls definition and additional metadata objects located in the SRF file or the Siebel repository. The memory stays loaded until the process is stopped, and it is loaded when required.

Upon the startup of the Siebel Server System Service, it performs sequential steps where in it gets the information regarding the configuration from the Siebel Gateway. Once the configuration is retrieved, the .shm file extension is then created having the default name, "Enterprise_Server_Name.Server_Server_Name.shm". The shared memory total is comprised of an amount intended to be allocated to the Siebel Server, and allocated block for every component of the server executing on the same server, while for every task a block.

Before the file extension .shm is created, the Siebel Application's shared memory for executables is assembled in the machine's RAM (Random Access Memory), which makes use of the information gathered from the Siebel Gateway, and this procedure can take up a lot of memory. This Siebel Server System Service then discharges the memory after the .shm file extension is created, and when the Siebel Server System Service is turned off, the fiel extension .shm is removed. In cases where in the system was not properly turned off, the .shm file extension is then manually deleted.

23.    How will you identify if Siebns.dat file is corrupt or not?

Server Configuration and Management screens will not be accessible and will give an error – An Error has occurred creating business component ‘Server Server’ used by business object ‘Server Admin’. Please ask your system s administrator to check your application configuration. (SBL-DAT-00222)SBL-SCM-00028: Key Not Found.You will also encounter this error – if the siebns.dat file is deleted by mistake.

 When you try to check the status of the Siebel Service on the Gateway server using the list_ns command – you will see some junk characters rather than the normal service status and its startup time.

 The size of your latest siebns.dat file will be less than the size of the latest siebns.dat backup file.

24.    While doing Repository import – if the Database goes down – what are the steps you will perform?

We need to delete the previous partly imported table from database, kill all the existing process of repimpexmp. Bring up database and again start process for import repository.

25.    What does apply and activate in Siebel Tools do?

Apply in Siebel tolls is used to apply logical changes to physical database and Activate will make those changes active in database. Once apply activate has been done it will be available to users accessing database using Siebel application.

26.    What is the sequence to be followed for starting up the Siebel enterprise?


Make sure that database is up and running.

Bring Up Gataway server

Bring up Siebel server

Bring up web server

27.    How will you increase the log levels for Siebel tools or how will you get the sqls generate by Siebel tools?

To increase logs of Siebel tools we have to set an environment variable SIEBEL_LOG_EVENTS to our desired value of 1-5.

To get all the sql generated by Siebel tools we need to spool in a local file using /s parameter.

28.    How will you merge two cfg files? Cfgmerge.exe command

Ans. How to Merge 2 CFG Files in Siebel OR How to Deploy new component definitions from source

to target enterprises:

Well the answer to both the above questions is the CFGMERGE Utility. This Utility is located in $SIEBEL_ROOT/BIN Directory – where $SIEBEL_ROOT is the Siebel Base or Root Directory. Following are some noteworthy points about this utility:

1. The cfgmerge utility can produce input files on the enterprise level and the individual server level.

2. It can only compare parameters,component definitions and server components that are already present in both siebns.dat files and have the same names in both files.

The following list gives an example procedure of how to use the cfgmerge utility:

1. Log in to the Server Manager command line interface for the Source Enterprise – lets say the source enterprise is source_enterprise.

2. Use the backup namesrvr command to create a backup of the current siebns.dat file for the Source Enterprise – OR the same can be done from the Application from – Sitemap – Administration – Server Configuration. Then from the Link Bar – click enterprises.In the Enterprise Servers list, click the Backup Enterprise button. When complete, the browser status bar displays the message Backup Enterprise Server is completed successfully.

The backup for the siebns.dat file is created in the $SIEBEL_ROOT/ADMIN directory on the server – from where you have connected the server manager.

3. Rename the back up siebns.dat copy to siebns_source_enterprise.dat.

4. Log in to the Server Manager command line interface for the Target Enterprise – lets say the Target Enterprise is target_enterprise.

5. Use the backup namesrvr command to create a backup of the current siebns.dat file for the Target Enterprise OR use the Application as mentioned in step-2 to back up the siebns.dat for the target environment.

6. Rename the backup copy to siebns_target_enterprise.dat.

7. Copy both files created in the previous steps to a temporary directory on the machine where Siebel Gateway Name Server is installed.

8. On this machine – open a command shell and navigate to the bin directory of the Siebel Gateway Name Server installation folder.

9. Execute a command similar to the following to create the input file at the enterprise level:

cfgmerge -l ENU -i E:cfgmergesiebns_source_enterprise.dat,E:cfgmergesiebns_target_enterprise.dat -e SIEBEL_DEV,SIEBEL_TEST -o E:cfgmergeDEV_TEST_ENT.txt

The above command invokes the cfgmerge utility. The -l parameter takes a three letter language code. The -i switch is followed by a comma-separated

list of the full paths to the file representing the source enterprise siebns.dat and the file representing the target enterprise siebns.dat. The -e switch is followed by acomma-separated list of the names of the source enterprise and the target enterprise. The -o parameter value specifies the path where the output file should be written to.

10. Execute a command similar to the following to create the input file at the server level:

cfgmerge -l ENU -i E:cfgmergesiebns_source_enterprise.dat,E:cfgmergesiebns_target_enterprise.dat -e SIEB_DEV,SIEB_TEST -s sieb_srvr_dev_1,sieb_srvr_test__1 -o E:cfgmergeDEV_TEST_SRV.txt

The above command is similar to the one that generates the enterprise level output. The difference is the -s switch, which is followed by a comma-separated list of the names of the two Siebel servers to compare.

11. Review and modify the output files if necessary. It is mandatory to thoroughly review the output files of the cfgmerge utility in order to avoid unwanted changes being applied to the target enterprise configuration.

13. Log in to the Siebel Server Manager (srvrmgr) against the target enterprise and execute a command similar to the following to apply the changes:

read D:cfgmergeDEV_TEST_ENT.txt

read D:cfgmergeDEV_TEST_SRV.txt

The read command opens the specified file and executes all commands in that file.

To make the changes take affect – a restart of the all the services is required in the target environment.

Note: We will not be responsible if anything goes while using the cfgmerge utility

29.    How do you tidy up the Siebel Filesystem? What is the utility provided by Siebel for the same? Do you remember the syntax of it?

30.    If the users are reporting slow response for a particular view – what can be the cause of it?

Ans. Table locking, blocking or index issue.

31.    What are the checks you do when the users report slow response?

1. network 2.database 3.OM servers 4. webserver

32.    How will you do crash analysis in Siebel?

33.    What is the concept of Max and Min MTS in Siebel?

Ans. About MaxTasks, MaxMTServers, and MinMTServers

■ MaxTasks (Maximum Tasks). Specifies the total number of tasks (threads) that can run

concurrently on this AOM, for this Siebel Server. Beyond this number, no more tasks can be

started to handle additional requests.

■ MaxMTServers (Maximum MT Servers). Specifies the maximum number of multithreaded

processes that can run concurrently on this AOM. Beyond this number, no more multithreaded

processes can be started to handle additional requests.

■ MinMTServers (Minimum MT Servers). Specifies the default minimum number of

multithreaded processes that will start on this AOM when the parent process is started. The

parent process may be started either explicitly (using Siebel Server Manager) or automatically

(if the Siebel Server is started when the component state was last set to Running). Setting

MinMTServers to 0 effectively disables the AOM component.

34.    What is the concept of Max Tasks?

35.    How are Max Tasks, Max MTS and Min MTS calculations done in Siebel?

Ans. Maximum Tasks / Maximum MT Servers = Number of tasks per MT Server

36.    How will you regenerate siebsvc or Siebel service file?

 Siebctl utility

siebctl -r <root path>/siebsrvr -S siebsrvr -i TRA:kr234 -a -g "-g serverip:2320 -e TRA -s kr234 -u sadmin" -e xxxxxx -L ENU

37.    What is the concept of shell in Siebel? What are the different types of shells?

38.    What is the process to change sadmin password?

Password change for SADMIN

1) Change security adapter password in GUI

Administration - Server Configuration -> Enterprises -> Profile Configuration -> LDAP Security Adapter -> Shared DB Password

2) stop all siebel servers(leave gateway running)

3) start srvrmgr and run this cmd with new paswd for SADMIN - "change enterprise parameter Password=xxxxxx"

4) change in DB

5) backup file in sys folder. If your unix server is called kr234 <root path>/siebsrvr/sys/svc.siebsrvr.TRA:kr234

6) siebctl -r <root path>/siebsrvr -S siebsrvr -i TRA:kr234 -a -g "-g serverip:2320 -e TRA -s kr234 -u sadmin" -e xxxxxx -L ENU

7) restart gateway

8) start servers

39.    How does a User request flow when the user hits the Siebel URL?

40.    If a developer makes changes to an applet – what will you do – srf replacement or repository migration and why?

In case of changes only to an applet we preferably go for srf replacement, as it will be time saving and minimize downtime.

41.    What is the difference between incremental compile and full compile?  When to go for which?

42.    Can you have multiple databases in the same enterprise?

Ans. No

43.    Can you have multiple Gateway s in the same enterprise?

Ans. No

44.    Can one Siebel gateway cater to more than one Siebel enterprise? If Yes – why is not suggestible?

Yes we can have , but for that purpose we need to use different ports for different enterprise. It leads to extra load on server and bit confusing as well. Admin will not be able to identify which processes are for which enterprise, one issue with gateway server leads to bring down both enterprises.

45.    What if Siebel Gateway goes down in a running Siebel Enterprise?  What will happen to the existing users? Will new users be able to login?

46.    Can I have (build) an enterprise with webservers on Windows Platform and Object Manager servers on Solaris Platform and workflow servers again on windows platform OR vice – versa?

 Yes we can have all different server i.e. gateway Siebel and webserver on same or different platform assuming all have proper connectivity.

47.    What is the concept of subsystem in Siebel?

48.    What if I define a parameter at subsystem level and then define the same parameter at Siebel Server level? Which one will take effect and why?

49.    What are the subsystems involved in MQ integration with Siebel?

50.    What is the default value of sisnapi connection per session?

Ans. 20

51.    What is the effect if I change the default value of sisnapi connection per session to a lower value than the default value?


52.    What is the use of anonymous user defined in eapps.cfg?

Ans. For the authentication process for integrated applications servers

53.    What is the use of lbconfig.txt file on webserver?

Ans.load balancing information

54.    Where is the Application timeout defined for Siebel?

Ans. SISNAPI parameter

55.    What is the significance of connect string in eaaps.cfg file? What all parameters are there in the connect string?

1.       Tell me something about your past/current projects and your roles & responsibilities.

2.       Explain Siebel architecture or Explain request flow in detail.

3.       How to do repository migration & DDL synch?

4.       How do you do daily health checks?

5.       Why to generate browser scripts & how to generate browser scripts.

6.       Explain performance tuning steps

7.       Which authentication method are you using?

8.       Why to do apply and activate?

9.       How to troubleshoot server busy error?

10.   What is siebns.dat file? Can you edit that? 

11.   Briefly explain Siebel server installation pre-requisites & installation steps. 

12.   How to generate lbconfig.txt file?

13.   Which reporting tool are you using? Is it actuate /BIP/OBIEE? How to integrate  

      BIP/OBIEE with Siebel? 

14.   Steps to extract local database and to set up Siebel tools & mobile clients?

15.   What is the difference between position and responsibility?

16.   How to cleanup Siebel file system?

17.   Have you ever been involved in resolving Siebel interfacing issues with other applications?

18.   Most recent issues & steps you have taken to troubleshoot those.

19.   How to setup Siebel email profiles?

20.   Emails are not getting triggered from the application, how will you troubleshoot?

21.   How to troubleshoot components crashes?

22.   How to decode & analyze FDR files?

23.   Have you ever been involved in DB refresh activity?

24.   Roles of SCbroker, SRbroker & SRproc components.

25.   How to deploy workflows? What is activate & why it is required?

26.   How workflow monitor agent works?

27.   What are SARM files and why to generate those?

28.   Have you ever been involved in Siebel version upgrade?

29.   Have you been involved in automating routine tasks?

30.   You achievements/ challenging assignments as Siebel admin



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