we have to mask the field Credit Card Numberlike this :XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX then we can use this field user property 'Display Mask Char' in Siebel


'Display Mask Char' field user property in Siebel

'Display Mask Char' field user property in Siebel:

We can use 'Display Mask Char' Field User Proprety for masking.
Suppose we have to mask the field Credit Card Number.


Go the particular BC and there add a New Calculated Field say Credit Card Number Display. Tick the Calculated property true and leave the Value as blank.Now come to the Field User Property & here give the Display Mask Char as Name & Value as x.Now give the Encrypt Source Field Field User Property as Name and Value as the Credit Card Number . And give the value as the Credit Card Number.Expose the same fields at UI level & compile.


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