How to use Siebel Product Configurator API in Workflow?

 What is Product Configurator API? 

Siebel product configurator API is bunch of Siebel business services and methods which allows to add order item under a root customizable product which complies with rules and validations defined in product model.

It is much more cryptic and complex if one starts with the bookshelf.

his example explains how we can invoke Siebel Configurator API in correct sequence to add line items in an order.
Product Configurator API in Workflow
In this example, workflow first creates new order and a order line item for root customizable product using Siebel Operation Step. And then it invokes Remote Complex Object Instance service(API) methods to add line item under the root customisable product.

Product Model used for demo :
Siebel Product Model
 Business Service executed in sequence are:

  1. ISS Copy Service :: Load EAI
  2. Remote Complex Object Instance :: LoadInstance
  3. Remote Complex Object Instance :: CreateSession
  4. Remote Complex Object Instance :: SyncInstance
  5. Remote Complex Object Instance :: UnloadInstance


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