Siebel CRM Overview


What Is CRM?

Customer : A Customer is someone who makes use of or receives the products or services of an       individual or organization

Relationship : A Relationship is a way in which customers and organizations are connected to each other.

Management : Management is a process by which the relationship between customers and organizations is handled efficiently and effectively.

Company Structure - Siebel

Company Structure

 Company deploying the siebel applications use the following entities to structure the data access.

 ·                  Divisions : Are used for purpose of mapping a company's physical structure. It represents the part of the company such as a line of business, a geographical location, business unit or department.

·                  Positions : Represents the job title with in the company or the partner company. It is more stable structure than representing the individual person.

·                  Employees : Represents a person working in the organization and it associated with at least one position in the organization i.e. the employee can be assign multiple position, if they do different type of work or need to see different data.

·                  Organizations : Represents the root of company hierarchy. it is also represents the company implementation the siebel application, a partner organization, a separate major area of the business.

         Division can also be made organization by setting organization flag property of the particular division as true.

Siebel Architecture IP 15

Logical Representation Of Siebel Architecture 


·                  Siebel Web Client : Siebel web client access the business data.

·                  Web Server : A web server that handles interaction with the web client.

·                  Gateway Server: Servers that manage the business data and provide batch and interactive services for clients.

·                  Siebel Enterprise Server : Siebel Enterprise Server is a logical groping of siebel server that support users of accessing a single database server and single file server.

·                  Database Server & File System : Database Server & File System store business data.



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